Post update Version Administrators now have the ability to choose how their team signs into the CoCreate.
For instruction on how to edit a user please follow the step outlined in the article Edit an Existing User
Go to 'Create/ Manage Users' menu, click on the user you wish to edit,
Below the user's email address you will now see three authentication methods available to choose from.
Local User (Username and Password) Email verification - Enabled by default this method requires users to authenticate against a 6 digit code that is sent to the user's email address, adding an additional layer of security.
Single Sign On (SSO) - Enables the user's account to authenticate when signing into CoCreate through your orgnaisation user credentials, simplifying application access management and user authentication for CoCreate.
It is advised that before enabling SSO options on a user account that the administrator consults their IT services team and requests contents for the CoCreate Azure AD B2C App be granted within Active Directory.
Local User (Username and Password) Phone Number verification - Enables the user to authenticate access to their CoCreate app via text message, it works in much the same way as email verification, the user receives an authentication code via text message.
This option is likely to be appropriate for those using a centre license of CoCreate.
if this method is selected the administrator must provide a mobile number,