Below is a step-by-step guide to reset your password.
Please note:
These steps will need to be followed after the update to reset your CoCreate password on the first login after the update.
If you are using a Centre License you will need to follow these steps here.
To reset your password, launch CoCreate, Click on <Login>
Remember to check the <Remember me> check box to simplify the login process next time you run CoCreate.
Enter your email address associated with CoCreate and click <continue>
Click on <Forgot your password> just under the password input box
Enter your email address associated with CoCreate and click <continue>
Click on the <Send Verification code> button
You will now see a text entry box with a <Verify code> button under it
Go to your email inbox and look for an email from:
(if you don't see this email, it's worth checking your junk mail)
Sender: Microsoft on behalf of CoCreate B2C <>
Subject: CoCreate B2C account email verification code
Open this email, it will contain a 6 digit numerical code, copy this code
Input the verification code into the text entry box and click on <Verify code>
Click <Continue> on the next window containing the email address
Enter your new password for CoCreate in the <New Password> dialogue box, and confirm it by entering again in the <Confirm New Password> dialogue box, then click <Continue>
You have now reset your password for CoCreate.
Now follow the login process from the beginning
Enter the email address associated with CoCreate.
Click on <Contrinue>
Enter your new password and click on <Sign in>
Enter the name you want to use for CoCreate and click <Continue>
You will now be logged into CoCreate