The installation method used may vary depending on your company. The steps below will assist you in deploying the application package from a download link.
Troubleshooting Steps:
If you are having problems installing please check the installation requirements listed here before trying the steps listed below.
Option 1: Install CoCreate via PowerShell:
If for some reason App Installer is not working for you (or not installed), installation is sometimes possible via PowerShell.
1) On your Windows device, press "Windows key + X". This opens the context menu for the Start button.
2) Select 'Windows PowerShell'. Paste the following into the prompt and press enter.
Add-AppxPackage -AppInstaller
3) If no errors appear, CoCreate should now be installed on your machine. It appears in the Start menu as CoCreate 3.0.
4) If you run into errors, repeat these steps instead selecting "Windows PowerShell (Admin)". If that does not work, proceed to the method below or contact us for support.
Option 2: Install the packages individually (in Powershell):
Where system permissions are preventing the Installer GUI from running properly the app can also be installed by:
- Downloading the dependencies separately (these can be requested from the Engage Software Solutions Support Team)
- Installing each dependency using Add-AppxPackage from an administrator Powershell window.
- Installing the CoCreate install package using Add-AppxPackage from an administrator Powershell window.
The install commands can be scripted in this order:
- Add-Appxpackage -path ".\Deps\Microsoft.NET.CoreFramework.Debug.2.2.appx"
- Add-Appxpackage -path ".\Deps\Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.2.2.appx"
- Add-AppxPackage -path ".\Deps\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.appx"
- Add-AppxPackage -path ".\CC3\CoCreate3.Client_2.4.0.91_x64_Release_Prod.appx"
$installLocation = "C:\Windows\Temp\"
#For Production:
$installerURL = ""
#For Production: EngageWorks.CoCreate3_5epkxfh0r8rvj
$appPackageFamilyName = 'EngageWorks.CoCreate3_5epkxfh0r8rvj'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $installerURL -OutFile "$installLocation\cc3.appinstaller"
[xml]$doc = Get-Content -Path "$installLocation\cc3.appinstaller"
} catch {
Write-Error "Error getting app manifest."
$latest_app_version = $doc.AppInstaller.Version
$current_app_version = (Get-AppxPackage -Name EngageWorks.CoCreate3).Version
If ($latest_app_version -eq $current_app_version) {
Write-Host "CoCreate is installed and up to date."
start shell:AppsFolder\$appPackageFamilyName!App
Remove-Item –path "$installLocation\cc3.appinstaller"
Write-Host "CoCreate will be installed."
$app_dependencies = $doc.AppInstaller.Dependencies
$os_type = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture
switch ( $os_type )
$os_type = 'x64'
$os_type = 'x86'
$os_type = 'arm'
foreach ($dep in $app_dependencies.ChildNodes){
if ($dep.ProcessorArchitecture -eq $os_type){
Write-Host "$($dep.Name) will be installed."
Add-AppxPackage -Path $($dep.Uri)
Write-Host "$($dep.Name) was successfully installed."
Write-Error "$($dep.Name) was not installed."
Add-AppxPackage -Path $doc.AppInstaller.MainBundle.Uri
start shell:AppsFolder\$appPackageFamilyName!App
} catch{
Write-Error "CoCreate could not be installed."
Remove-Item –path "$installLocation\cc3.appinstaller"