The Administrator Webpage is where you manage who can login to the client application, what branding they can see, and how they share content.
There is a basic hierarchy shown below. Within a company there are Users and associated with a user there are also Contracts, Offices, and Teams. The Company Administrator has permissions to manage this.
Company - All of your information, users and privileges are associated with your company. This keeps everything you do separate from anyone else using the software. You will only be able to manage the users and content in your own company.
User - To login to the Desktop Client Application you will need to be set up as a user in the Administrator Webpage.
Contract - This is created by Engage Works in line with your contract with them. This grants you the agreed number of licences for an agreed duration (e.g. 500 licences for 1 year).
Office - When a user logs in they will see certain branding. The office that the user is associated with dictates the branding they see. The user can only be a member of one office at a time.
Team - This functions like a a mailbox group. When a user shares a session they can share it with an individual user or a team. This allows you to quickly share sessions with groups of people.