All content in CoCreate is associated with a session. Once you have created a session you can share it. Until you have shared it, it will not be visible to anyone else. To share a session you click the "..." menu on a session and select the share button.
You can type in an individuals email address to share it with them. This will only work if they have a CoCreate licence. You are able to share with multiple users at once.
Once you have done that you can choose what level of permission you want to give them. The three levels are:
Co-Owner - This gives them the same permissions as the creator (Owner) and allows them to add/ edit/ delete new content within the sesson
Collaborator - This allows a user to work in the session but not make any changes to the asset folder
Viewer - This allows the user to see everything including live changes but not make any amends to the session.
The full ACL table is below: