When you login to CoCreate with your Username and Password you will see your dashboard with all of the sessions you have created or have been shared with you.
Users - Each user is given their own unique login for CoCreate. These login details allow you to access your work from anywhere on any device.
Sessions - A Session is a bit like a document on a PC with a multiple "Workspaces" (similar to pages in a Word Doc or Tabs on an Excel) and "Assets" (The content that gets displayed on the pages). You can share whole sessions with other users.
Workspaces - A Workspace is like blank a whiteboard or project wall that you can write/ draw on, as well as adding add digital post-it notes, images, videos, pdfs and templates.
Assets - Within your session you have a folder of Assets. These are images, pdfs, and videos that you have uploaded to work on. You can open these on the workspaces and write on them, move them around and resize these as you need. To ensure optimal session performance please check Best practices for optimal performance.
Web Browser - Each session has a web browser that can be used to show web based content. One user owns and controls what is displayed on the browser, whilst other participants receive a visual stream to their workspace. You can save